We've had some fun with guessing the baby's birth DATE -- How about what TIME he might arrive?!?!
I'll offer up a $5 StarBucks gift card to the person who guesses the closest! We market research-types always like to 'incentivize' the audience for a response...!! hehehe
Aunt Gina's Guess: 2:35 p.m.
I'll go with the same time.... only AM instead of PM
grandma "a" guesses 7:37 pm......
that's the time of day his daddy was born....=)
Hmm...now that's tough...I'm figuring on early morning, because that's when I'll be the tiredest (go figure!) so I'll say 3:06AM.
AUNT JOANIE SAYS.....7:37 AM....=)
Lynnelle guesses 6:05pm
i say 12 noon....hes a lunch break baby.... :)
My guess would be 4:26 AM because it just will be and I want the $5 gift card, so it better be right!! And, because babies are always born during the night, and Leah is 26 years old, and 1:11 AM is too early, seeing her contractions are not close enough for her to accomplish this feat at the same time she was born. (No I do not have an unfair advantage posting so late in this matter...hehe..I just figured out how to do it.)
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