Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday Fun

John and I spent pretty much the whole day today working hard to clean up the garage. Ever since getting home from Tahoe there's been rodent poop ALL over the garage, and an ever increasing stench. So this morning we decided to tackle the problem.

Last night we went to Home Depot and bought 20 clear plastic bins so we could get rid of all the miscellaneous cardboard boxes and overall make things look nicer. We were able to condense some of the boxes, combine boxes with books, and organize our stuff better. We also threw a lot of things away, filling an entire large garbage bin!

Notice all the empty bins...I'm sure they will get filled one of these days!

William had a ball playing outside most of the day, "helping" as much as he could. At the end of the day we all headed to the newly opened pool for a quick dip, then back home for take-out pizza! Yum!

Oh, and we found the dead rat/extremely large mouse dead in one of my flower pots. Gross!


Grandma A said...


Tennisc G said...

Do you guys hire out?