Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bili Update

I got a call from A's GI doctor, and yesterday's lab work showed that A's bili count is down to 6.6! I was a little surprised that it wasn't lower than that, since her skin looks so much better, but at least it's still moving in the right direction. I thought that going to the lab would be over, but it looks like we'll have to go again at least one more time. Her count has to be 0/0 before the doctor will let us be free, so to speak.

On another note, I got my first smile from A this morning! William was downstairs, so he didn't witness it with me (not that he would have cared, but still!) but she distinctly looked at me, and after lots and lots of coaxing, gave me a tiny smile. What a wonderful milestone to be able to check off!

I have been remiss in taking pictures...I am so busy over here, and the exhaustion of having a little one up to feed every 2-3 hours is really getting to me. I'll see about getting some posted soon.

1 comment:

Tennisc G said...

Great news on the bili count!
Can't wait to see that precious little smile in person next week...

Aunt G